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Black Rice

Black rice refers to a variety of rice varieties from the Oryza sativa species, some of which are glutinous rice. In ancient China, black rice was regarded as 'Forbidden Rice,' since only the upper classes could afford to consume it.

Today, black rice comes in a variety of colors. Indonesian black rice, Philippine balatinaw rice, and Thai jasmine black rice are among them. In Manipur, India, black rice is known as chak-hao. At big feasts, desserts made from black rice are served. Karuppu Kowni Rice, also known as Kowni Rice, is a common black rice in Tamil Nadu, India. It's been used to treat a variety of ailments. It's thought that curing leg pain is possible. Dog bite toxin is removed from humans after one day of eating this rice porridge without salt. Very suitable for diabetics.

It's known as kalo dhaner chaal (black paddy rice) in Bangladesh, and it's used to make polao or rice-based desserts. One of the highest levels of anthocyanins present in food is in the bran hull (outermost layer) of black rice. The grain is similar to brown rice in terms of fiber content and has a moderate, nutty flavor.

Black rice is a dark black rice that turns a deep purple color when cooked. The anthocyanin content of this grain is higher by weight than that of other colored grains, which accounts for its dark purple hue. Porridge, desserts, traditional Chinese black rice cake, bread, and noodles can all be made with it.

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Arnab Dhar

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